How to download Premiere | Birdzzie | Milhafre(Kurup Remix) in mp3?
Are you looking to download Premiere | Birdzzie | Milhafre(Kurup Remix) by Cosmovision Records from Soundcloud
to MP3? Look no further! With our free Soundcloud Downloader tool, you can easily convert this
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About Premiere | Birdzzie | Milhafre(Kurup Remix)
Premiere | Birdzzie | Milhafre(Kurup Remix) is a downtempo song with a duration of 6 minutes and 21 seconds.
Originally released on 4/15/2023, this song
produced by
Cosmovision Records
has been played
3,013 times on soundcloud.
Popularity of Cosmovision Records's track
Premiere | Birdzzie | Milhafre(Kurup Remix) on soundcloud received
likes and being reposted 11 times.
Additionally, the track has sparked engaging discussions, with
3 comments published by avid listeners.
Release Infos :
Artists : @birdzzie remix by @ku_rup
Record label @salgarirecords
Release date : soon
Available here :…am-lgama-ep
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About this EP :
Amálgama is Birdzzie's most recent work, developed and hatched even during the Pandemic, as a reflection of the influences that have come to inspire him in recent years, with the pulsating African and Brazilian music scene in Lisbon, through its rhythms and flavors.
Respectfully in the form of a humble tribute, he decided to release these 3 tracks that came out in a cascade and at once, which constitute a profound flight between Europe, South America and Africa. Who better to symbolize this good amalgam than some of the migratory birds, such as Cagarra, Abelharuco and Milhafre, which during their lives exist, each in its own way, between these 3 continents?
3 original tracks and 3 remixes by Kurup, Ohxala and Yule.
Amálgama é o mais recente trabalho de Birdzzie, desenvolvido e chocado ainda durante a Pandemia, como reflexo das influências que o vieram a inspirar nos últimos anos, com a cena musical pulsante Africana e Brasileira em Lisboa, mediante seus ritmos e sabores.
Respeitosamente em forma de humilde homenagem, decidiu lançar esses 3 temas que lhe saíram em catadupa e de uma vez só, que constituem um profundo voo entre a Europa, a América do Sul e a África. Quem melhor para simbolizar essa amálgama boa, que algumas das aves migratórias, como a Cagarra, o Abelharuco e o Milhafre, que durante as suas vidas existem, cada uma à sua maneira, entre esses 3 continentes?
3 faixas originais e 3 remisturas de Kurup, Ohxala e Yule.