Cosmovision Records is an artist from Montreal, registered on Soundcloud since 2/8/2018 with the id 396773037 and the identifier name cosmovisionrecords , Cosmovision Records cumulated a total of 34 k followers.
You can download 846 tracks by Cosmovision Records from soundcloud to mp3.
Positive Vibes & Multicultural Groove for Electronic Music A&R : @ElExtravagante & @Don-Mescal New Releases : • El Extravagante - Industry Formalities • Da Iguana & Walass - La Semana • Beatfarmer - Stories of Slipping Away • Oonga - Pedacitos • Zentrip Muzik - Journey for the Self • thds & friends - Esperando • Ok Selekta Feat. Shuma - I (aya) Care • Cosmovision Sessions • Oondza - Mind Bunker • 100 Years of Surrealism & Psychedelica (V.A) • Hajna & Mina Shankha - Almanecer • Janax Pacha & Cyma - Yokha • Z/F - Nijaallanna EP • Hajna - Eleusis ⭐ Cosmovision Records is a music label founded by El Extravagante & Don Mescal and a collective of a mix of immigrants from Latin America, Europe and locals from Canada, based in Montréal, working together in a collaborative and inter-dependent way through a multi-cultural and multi-disciplinary artistic platform. We believe in the value of different cultures and diverse ways of appreciating art and the Universe itself. This way we created Cosmovision Records, to spread art inspired in a folkloric root combined with a contemporary perspective linked to electronic music and a positive spiritual approach. Listen to our official release here : Español ⭐ Cosmovision Records es un nuevo sello discográfico y colectivo creado por una mezcla de inmigrantes de: Latinoamérica, Europa y locales de Canadá, basado en Montréal. Trabajando en conjunto de forma colaborativa e inter-dependiente a través de esta plataforma multi-cultural y multi-disciplinaria. Creemos en el valor de las diferentes culturas y las diversas formas de apreciar el arte y el Universo en si mismo. De esta forma creamos Cosmovision Records, para propagar el arte inspirado en una raíz folklórica, combinado con una perspectiva contemporánea dentro de la música electrónica y un acercamiento positivamente espiritual. Francais ⭐ Nous croyons en la valeur des différentes cultures et des diverses façons d’apprécier l’art et l’Univers lui-même. C’est pourquoi nous avons créé Cosmovision Records, pour diffuser et propager l’art avec une racine folklorique tout en partant d’une approche contemporaine et positive, et incluant les nouvelles technologies musicales. ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ For all general inquiries. licencing requests and press contact please send us an email. For DEMOS send them in * PRIVATE SOUNDCLOUD LINKS * We don't release single songs, mostly EPs from 20 minutes and UP unless is an edit/remix for the Cosmotunes. Our Email is: [email protected]