Download Zomboy from soundcloud to mp3

499 K

Presentation of Zomboy from soundcloud:

Zomboy is an artist from Guildford, registered on Soundcloud since 12/5/2010 with the id 2323997 and the identifier name zomboy , Zomboy cumulated a total of 499 k followers.

You can download 89 tracks by Zomboy from soundcloud to mp3.

Author's description

Zomboy came crashing head first into 2016 with the game changing single ‘Like A B*tch'. Taken from his hotly anticipated Neon Grave EP, the track became the go-to set opener for the likes of Skrillex, DJ Snake and almost every bass DJ at Ultra 2016. While the EP Crushed the charts, the 'Neon Grave' tour saw Zomboy sell out venues all over North America and has set the tone for an incredible 2016 for the producer. Never one for slowing down, he's since remixed the Chainsmokers' huge crossover hit ‘Don’t Let Me Down’, and has embarked on his annual festival run, destroying crowds one by one with his inimitable energy and stage presence

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