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Download Nuclear (Hands Up) from soundcloud to mp3

4 M
68 K
2 K
9 K

How to download Nuclear (Hands Up) in mp3?

Are you looking to download Nuclear (Hands Up) by Zomboy from Soundcloud to MP3? Look no further! With our free Soundcloud Downloader tool, you can easily convert this track into an MP3 file in just a few clicks.

About Nuclear (Hands Up)

Nuclear (Hands Up) is a Dubstep song with a duration of 5 minutes and 16 seconds.

Originally released on 10/18/2012, this song produced by Zomboy has been played 4,185,802 times on soundcloud.

Popularity of Zomboy's track

Nuclear (Hands Up) on soundcloud received 67,648 likes and being reposted 8,875 times. Additionally, the track has sparked engaging discussions, with 2,314 comments published by avid listeners.


Pre-order Neon Grave EP and get 'Lights Out' now: http://zomboyofficial.com/ One year on from his seminal debut, the undead returns for his sophomore extended player.And what a year its been for 23-year-old Joshua Mellody. Having only made his first piece of electronic music six months prior to signing to Never Say Die, Zomboy has well and truly been thrown in at the deep end, and straight onto festival stages worldwide. Remixes for DJ Fresh, Skrillex, Flux Pavilion and Hadouken! have kept the hoards of fans (90,000 and counting) at bay, but the time has come for the follow up E.P of the year.The Dead Symphonic is a snapshot of a producer who is developing his palette at an alarming rate. No tempo is left uncovered as the EP twists and turns through hands-in-the-air drumstep, daft punkesque electro, orchestral interludes and of course, the sonically perfected dubstep for which he has become so well known for. Less... Zomboy online: http://zomboy.co/z_Website http://zomboy.co/z_Facebook http://zomboy.co/z_Twitter http://zomboy.co/z_Instagram http://zomboy.co/z_Snapchat http://zomboy.co/z_Merch http://zomboy.co/z_Spotify http://zomboy.co/z_AppleMusic http://zomboy.co/z_SoundCloud http://zomboy.co/z_YouTube http://zomboy.co/z_Tumblr http://nsdx.uk/NSD-Official

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