Download Zap Tharwat from soundcloud to mp3

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Presentation of Zap Tharwat from soundcloud:

Zap Tharwat is an artist registered on Soundcloud since 8/13/2012 with the id 22041381 and the identifier name zaptharwatmusic , Zap Tharwat cumulated a total of 196 k followers.

You can download 29 tracks by Zap Tharwat from soundcloud to mp3.

Author's description

Zap Tharwat Zap’s Beginning Zap Tharwat has the talent and passion to turn heads in the music industry with his exceptional talent, charisma, astounding studio resume and his street credibility. His lyrics are extremely powerful and it is fair to say that he is one of the most talented rappers and writers in the Middle East. He began rapping in 2009 in Egypt and had released 3 tracks from 2009-2011, “El Sobh” being his first track which was released in 2009. His first official taste of fame was on Jan. 23, 2011, (two days before the Egyptian revolution), when he did the song and music video for “Kateb le bokra gawab” featuring Asfalt band. It was produced by Axeer studio and the video was directed by Anas Tolba. 2011 Now that the Egyptian Revolution had started and Zap had experience his first real taste of fame, he began to document the story of the revolution through his powerful lyrics in his songs which were in collaboration with Axeer Studio. On February 8, 2011 they released “Sabhna Nady” and a month later on March 24, Zap teamed up with Cairokee and Hany Adel for the first time to release the song “Bahlam” which became the hit of the year. Many of Zap’s songs and lyrics are so strong because they are about the struggles and political injustice in the Middle East, not just in Egypt but in Palestine and in Somalia and other Arab countries. Zap released the song “Enway” on May 29th, 2011 featuring Sodfa under the production of Axeer Studios, about the issues in Palestine and in support of Palestine. His next song “Helmy Ana” was on August 29th, 2011 with Cairokee and it was in a campaign to save Somalia. Then he teamed up again with Asfalt in 2011 to record “Meen el Masood” which is about the Arab world and the problems he faced. This song was met with great success. To end Zap’s successful year in 2011, he released the song “The Happiness” which was became one of his most popular tracks. The music for “The Happiness” was made by Sherif Mostafa. 2012 After a successful year in 2011 and the start of his own fame, the one year anniversary of the Egyptian revolution was coming up fast and sure enough, another spectacular song release by Zap was on the brink of being released. So of course, on January 24th, 2012, Zap had teamed up once again with Cairokee to release the most iconic revolution song. This song was called “Ethbat Makanak”, produced by Qsoft and the video was directed by Mohamed Khalifa. And then on January 26th, 2012 Zap had released the music video for “Hesar” in dedication to the first anniversary of the “Friday of Anger”. It was produced by IFilms INNovation. Then on April 7th, 2012, Zap continued his path of success by shooting a music video for the song “Kam Wahed” featuring the famous Egyptian singer Mahmoud El Essily. The song “Kam Wahed” was part of the awareness campaign against drugs. This became one of the biggest steps until now in Zap’s career. He then went on to launch his first book called, “Agenda”, which contains about fifteen of his poems from within the last three years. Following the success of his first book, he then released a second book on October 16th, 2012 with Dar Daween called “Salam”. This book had the same effect as the first book with success and fame coming immediately. To finish 2012, Zap released two more tracks and videos. One was on December 6th featuring Cairokee for the song “Ana Mesh Menhom” which was directed by Mahmoud Ismail Gawish. It is became one of their best music videos. The second video released at the end of 2012 was just Zap in production with Axeer Studio and it was called “7aa’y”. 2013 as usual Zap Came With A Big Hit And Awesome One With Cairokee And One Of The Best Voices Ever Aida El Ayouby Called “ Etganen “ Which was one of the largest Coca-Cola campaigns That Was in 9 Feb.

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