How to download Will Paquin - Chandelier in mp3?
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About Will Paquin - Chandelier
Will Paquin - Chandelier is a Indie song with a duration of 2 minutes and 7 seconds.
Originally released on 9/23/2020, this song
produced by
Will Paquin
has been played
13,768,680 times on soundcloud.
Popularity of Will Paquin's track
Will Paquin - Chandelier on soundcloud received
likes and being reposted 1,352 times.
Additionally, the track has sparked engaging discussions, with
3,655 comments published by avid listeners.
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🎧 Lyrics:
Catch my breath and hold it for me
I'm wasting my time, trying to make up my mind
I'm sitting here as the chandelier is whispering in my ear
Saying, can I get a cigarette? No you'll never be mine
Can you come around tonight?
And sing me a lullaby
Just take my heart and break it
Can you come around tonight?
I might be the enemy
But nothing quite hits like you
We'll take this pen and write for me
Oh write me a song and I'll try to forget it
Oh I'm standing there, as the man upstairs
Comes crashing through the ceiling
Saying where's my fucking cigarette?
With fire in his eyes
Can you come around tonight?
And sing me a lullaby
Just take my heart and break it
Can you come around tonight?
I might be the enemy
But nothing quite hits like you
🎶 Mixed & Mastered by Bert Jervis
🎶 Released by Sonder House