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Download Halsey - Ghost (Lost Kin... from soundcloud to mp3

12 M
182 K
2 K
14 K
Lost Kings

How to download Halsey - Ghost (Lost Kings Remix) in mp3?

Are you looking to download Halsey - Ghost (Lost Kings Remix) by Lost Kings from Soundcloud to MP3? Look no further! With our free Soundcloud Downloader tool, you can easily convert this track into an MP3 file in just a few clicks.

About Halsey - Ghost (Lost Kings Remix)

Halsey - Ghost (Lost Kings Remix) is a Chill song with a duration of 3 minutes and 7 seconds.

Originally released on 3/3/2015, this song produced by Lost Kings has been played 11,618,457 times on soundcloud.

Popularity of Lost Kings's track

Halsey - Ghost (Lost Kings Remix) on soundcloud received 182,020 likes and being reposted 14,031 times. Additionally, the track has sparked engaging discussions, with 2,037 comments published by avid listeners.


We fell in love with Halsey the first time we heard her never mind seeing what she looked like. Her records are killer, and 'Ghost' was one of them that truly stood out as soon as we heard it. When we were working on it we were lucky enough to be down in the carribean soaking in the sun, so we definitely were inspired by the vibes that were around us. Definitely a bit of a new territory for us, but we were excited to try something new. Be on the look out for a bunch of new releases! Spotify: iTunes:

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