user186832472 is an artist from High Point, registered on Soundcloud since 1/31/2014 with the id 78059128 and the identifier name user186832472 , user186832472 cumulated a total of 0 followers.
You can download 0 tracks by user186832472 from soundcloud to mp3.
I am a Wonderer, a nomad that has lived in Germany, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Iceland. Been to Madrid, Spain, Israel - Jerusalem, Naples, Italy, Venice, Italy, Hong Kong, Kowloon, China. I am a fisherman for Jesus. I'm into Human Rights, Animal Rights, News about Politics, Business, The Stock Market, Trucking, Causes. A Nature Buff who loves most outdoor sports, camping, hiking, the mountains, the ocean. I love art, pictures (especially pictures of scenery, landscapes, the mountains. I'm into light jazz, blues, gospel music, old timey Christian music. Fall and winter (despite the cold) are my favorite times of the year. And I'm running out of things about me, so, I guess I will stop while the getting is good. You'll only need one pot of coffee to read my bio, other than that, good luck and God Bless.