Noxx is an artist registered on Soundcloud since 4/6/2021 with the id 971060731 and the identifier name user-831759025 , Noxx cumulated a total of 8 k followers.
You can download 2096 tracks by Noxx from soundcloud to mp3.
Noxx (Roland Jay Barker) was born May, 10, 2007 in McCall, Idaho then moved to Nampa, Idaho. Roland grew up with music in his family. Roland's father used to be a DJ in Boise, Idaho and Roland's mother was a belly dancer. Roland was influenced by 80s and 90s electronic growing up. Roland listened to artist such as Magic Sword, The Crystal Method, The Chemical Brothers, Aphex Twin, Skrillex etc. Roland has had many repost In his music career such as, Roland and The Neon Space Chimps, Roland and The Neon Spaceman, Deep Passion, Digital Tech, Trashing, Haycio, X2LOVER2X, ZZA Shoota, Lil Rollie 555, DaVinci, Deejay 555, Noxx. Roland now lives in Salmon, Idaho and is happily making music almost everyday. Vocals, Producer, Composer, Mastering, Uploading artists unreleased tracks