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Download Tom Misch & Carmody - So... from soundcloud to mp3

2 M
26 K
5 K
Tom Misch

How to download Tom Misch & Carmody - So Close in mp3?

Are you looking to download Tom Misch & Carmody - So Close by Tom Misch from Soundcloud to MP3? Look no further! With our free Soundcloud Downloader tool, you can easily convert this track into an MP3 file in just a few clicks.

About Tom Misch & Carmody - So Close

Tom Misch & Carmody - So Close is a Chill song with a duration of 4 minutes and 8 seconds.

Originally released on 11/3/2014, this song produced by Tom Misch has been played 1,813,964 times on soundcloud.

Popularity of Tom Misch's track

Tom Misch & Carmody - So Close on soundcloud received 25,542 likes and being reposted 4,505 times. Additionally, the track has sparked engaging discussions, with 311 comments published by avid listeners.


Buy the single and the E.P - Show me and carmody some hypemachine love First single from mine and Carmody's collaborative 5 track E.P titled 'Out To Sea'. Released on my label 'Beyond The Groove'. Follow Carmody Follow Tom Misch Lyrics I’ll let you real near to my heart So close that you can feel beats As they move apart I’ll let you real near to my mind So close that all our empty thoughts Are intertwined Sitting by the edge of the world I know it’s true That we wrote a language just for me and you Stayed in that place and spent all of our day The flashes of colour that lit right through the grey Stay here and we’ll align Your shadow passes into mine Stay here and we’ll align Your shadow passes into mine I’ll let you real near to my heat So close that all the broken things Feel so concrete I’ll let you real near to my soul So close that you have a love You can’t control Sitting by the edge of the world I know it’s true That we wrote a language just for me and you Stayed in that place and spent all of our day The flashes of colour that lit right through the grey Stay here and we’ll align Your shadow passes into mine Stay here and we’ll align Your shadow passes into mine Stay here and we’ll align Your shadow passes into mine Stay here and we’ll align Your shadow passes into mine

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