How to download Jason Derulo - Savage Love (Prod. Jawsh 685) in mp3?
Are you looking to download Jason Derulo - Savage Love (Prod. Jawsh 685) by The Music Studio from Soundcloud
to MP3? Look no further! With our free Soundcloud Downloader tool, you can easily convert this
track into an MP3 file in just a few clicks.
About Jason Derulo - Savage Love (Prod. Jawsh 685)
Jason Derulo - Savage Love (Prod. Jawsh 685) is a Chill song with a duration of 2 minutes and 50 seconds.
Originally released on 6/9/2020, this song
produced by
The Music Studio
has been played
8,239,265 times on soundcloud.
Popularity of The Music Studio's track
Jason Derulo - Savage Love (Prod. Jawsh 685) on soundcloud received
likes and being reposted 649 times.
Additionally, the track has sparked engaging discussions, with
1,309 comments published by avid listeners.
Ahhh, savage love, Derulo
If I woke up without ya
I don't know what I would do
Thought I could be single forever
Till' I met you
Usually don't be fallin', be fallin' fallin' first
You gotta way of keeping me comin' back to back
I just found out, the only reason that you lovin' me
Is to get back at your ex lover but before you leave
Usually I would never, would never even care
Baby I know she creepin', I feel it in the air
Every night and every day
I try to make you stay
But your
Savage love
Did somebody, did somebody
Break your heart?
Lookin' like an angel
But your savage love
But when you kiss me
I know you don't give two fucks
But I still want that
Your savage love
Your savage love-love-love
Your savage love-love-love
You could use me
Cos I still want that your savage
Baby I hope this ain't karma cos I get around
You wanna run it up, I wanna lock it down
Usually don't be fallin', be fallin' fallin' first
You gotta way of making me spend up all my cash
Every night and every day
I try to make you stay
But your
Savage love
Did somebody, did somebody
Break your heart?
Lookin' like an angel
But your savage love
But when you kiss me
I know you don't give two fucks
But I still want that
Your savage love
Your savage love-love-love
Your savage love-love-love
You could use me
Cos I still want that your savage love
Your savage love-love-love
Your savage love-love-love
You could use me
Savage love
Did somebody, did somebody
Break your heart?
Lookin' like an angel
But your savage love
But when you kiss me
I know you don't give two fucks
But I still want that
Your savage love (savage love)
Your savage love-love-love
Your savage love-love-love
You could use me
Cos I still want that your savage love