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How to download Ed Sheeran - Beautiful People (feat. Khalid) in mp3?

Are you looking to download Ed Sheeran - Beautiful People (feat. Khalid) by The Music Studio from Soundcloud to MP3? Look no further! With our free Soundcloud Downloader tool, you can easily convert this track into an MP3 file in just a few clicks.

About Ed Sheeran - Beautiful People (feat. Khalid)

Ed Sheeran - Beautiful People (feat. Khalid) is a Chill song with a duration of 3 minutes and 20 seconds.

Originally released on 7/31/2019, this song produced by The Music Studio has been played 1,662,501 times on soundcloud.

Popularity of The Music Studio's track

Ed Sheeran - Beautiful People (feat. Khalid) on soundcloud received 20,303 likes and being reposted 262 times. Additionally, the track has sparked engaging discussions, with 152 comments published by avid listeners.


We are, we are, we are L.A. on a Saturday night in the summer Sundown and they all come out Lamborghinis and their rented Hummers The party's on, so they're headin' downtown ('Round here) everybody's lookin' for a come up And they wanna know what you're about Me in the middle with the one I love and We're just tryna figure everything out We don't fit in well 'Cause we are just ourselves I could use some help Gettin' out of this conversation, yeah You look stunning, dear So don't ask that question here This is my only fear, that we become Beautiful people Drop top, designer clothes Front row at fashion shows "What d'you do?" And, "Who d'you know?" Inside the world of beautiful people Champagne and rolled-up notes Prenups and broken homes Surrounded, but still alone Let's leave the party That's not who we are (We are, we are, we are) We are not beautiful Yeah, that's not who we are (We are, we are, we are) We are not beautiful L.A. mm Drove for hours last night and we made it nowhere (nowhere, nowhere) I see stars in your eyes when we're halfway there (all night) I'm not fazed by all them lights and flashin' cameras (uh) 'Cause with my arms around you, there's no need to care We don't fit in well We are just ourselves I could use some help Gettin' out of this conversation, yeah You look stunning, dear So don't ask that question here This is my only fear, that we become Beautiful people Drop top, designer clothes Front row at fashion shows "What d'you do?" And "Who d'you know?" Inside the world of beautiful people Champagne and rolled-up notes Prenups and broken homes Surrounded, but still alone Let's leave the party That's not who we are (We are, we are, we are) We are not beautiful, yeah Yeah, that's not who we are (We are, we are, we are) We are not beautiful We are, we are, we are We are not beautiful

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