Download The Dope Doctor from soundcloud to mp3

18 K

Presentation of The Dope Doctor from soundcloud:

The Dope Doctor is an artist from Utrecht, registered on Soundcloud since 11/6/2015 with the id 185128608 and the identifier name thedopedoctor , The Dope Doctor cumulated a total of 18 k followers.

You can download 69 tracks by The Dope Doctor from soundcloud to mp3.

Author's description

This guy is not your average doctor. Using a combination of brutal sounds and pounding drums he will cure you from the disease known as your daily grind. He has proven the effectiveness of his sonic medicine with performances at Defqon.1 Festival, Decibel Festival, Snakepit, Titanium Festival and Electric Love Festival just to name a few. Embark on a journey with his prescriptions Overdrive, Pornstar and Raver ‘solidifying his inevitable presence in the hardcore scene. Anticipate the groundbreaking debut album, ‘Medicine Monday’ a guaranteed daily dose of hardcore music. With his contract at BKJN Bookings, The Dope Doctor is ready to expand his medicine until the whole scene is affected…

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