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Download The Ghost Of Johnny Cash... from soundcloud to mp3

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How to download The Ghost Of Johnny Cash - The Sound Of Silence (Jack Essek Revision) in mp3?

Are you looking to download The Ghost Of Johnny Cash - The Sound Of Silence (Jack Essek Revision) by The Deeper Cave from Soundcloud to MP3? Look no further! With our free Soundcloud Downloader tool, you can easily convert this track into an MP3 file in just a few clicks.

About The Ghost Of Johnny Cash - The Sound Of Silence (Jack Essek Revision)

The Ghost Of Johnny Cash - The Sound Of Silence (Jack Essek Revision) is a downtempo song with a duration of 6 minutes and 27 seconds.

Originally released on 2/25/2024, this song produced by The Deeper Cave has been played 4,147 times on soundcloud.

Popularity of The Deeper Cave's track

The Ghost Of Johnny Cash - The Sound Of Silence (Jack Essek Revision) on soundcloud received 142 likes and being reposted 47 times. Additionally, the track has sparked engaging discussions, with 43 comments published by avid listeners.


Hello darkness, my old friend I've come to talk with you again Because a vision softly creeping Left its seeds while I was sleeping And the vision that was planted in my brain Still remains Within the sound of silence In restless dreams, I walked alone Narrow streets of cobblestone Neath the halo of a streetlamp I turned my collar to the cold and damp When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light That split the night And touched the sound of silence And in the naked light, I saw Ten thousand people, maybe more People talking without speaking People hearing without listening People writing songs that voices never shared And no one dared Disturb the sound of silence Fools, said I, "You do not know Silence like a cancer grows Hear my words that I might teach you Take my arms that I might reach you" But my words, like silent raindrops fell Echoed in the well of silence And the people bowed and prayed To the neon god they made And the sign flashed out its warning In the words that it was forming And then the sign said "The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls In tenement halls" Whispered in the sound of silence covert - elementality Unofficial remix Please share the message with your friends to avoid unnecessary transactions on commercial plattforms.

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