The Acid Mind Recordings | T.A.M.R is an artist from My place is the Placeless, registered on Soundcloud since 8/21/2019 with the id 687809255 and the identifier name theacidmindrec , The Acid Mind Recordings | T.A.M.R cumulated a total of 14 k followers.
You can download 609 tracks by The Acid Mind Recordings | T.A.M.R from soundcloud to mp3.
The Acid Mind Recordings (T.A.M.R) and Artist. The Acid Mind is a visceral and cerebral experience at the same time. Induced by seductive, deep and rhythmic melodies, inspired by the underground electronic scene. Common side effects include: relentless head rocking, pendulum motion of your hips known as buckling, synesthesia in your senses, and mental teleportation. Welcome to The Acid Mind. Demo Submission: [email protected]