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How to download King Friday - A Drop In A Puddle In The Mud in mp3?

Are you looking to download King Friday - A Drop In A Puddle In The Mud by Tender Loving Empire from Soundcloud to MP3? Look no further! With our free Soundcloud Downloader tool, you can easily convert this track into an MP3 file in just a few clicks.

About King Friday - A Drop In A Puddle In The Mud

King Friday - A Drop In A Puddle In The Mud is a Rock song with a duration of 2 minutes and 6 seconds.

Originally released on 2/21/2014, this song produced by Tender Loving Empire has been played 0 times on soundcloud.

Popularity of Tender Loving Empire's track

King Friday - A Drop In A Puddle In The Mud on soundcloud received 0 likes and being reposted 0 times. Additionally, the track has sparked engaging discussions, with 0 comments published by avid listeners.


From the album ‘The Aristocrats’ (2014) • Pay what you want I’m unemployed and high and its about two years ago and on election night you tell me that my mind is slowly starting to go and that I need some change and hope it gets me every time the feeling comes on strong and slow like im a waste of time and that there maybe really isn’t that much to know yeah I need some time to go life is so impossible or improbable to say the least for a drop in a puddle in the mud its impossible to sail these seas i wanna let you know gimmie another try I wanna let it go but you know that we’re only the sum of our smiles and cries oh dear can I make it clear I haven’t had a drink in a year not a drop in this puddle in the mud I have to say that I want beer King Friday’s music is reminiscent of early Of Montreal or Magnetic Fields recordings: The music is honest, fun, ultra-literate, and the deeper you dig, the better the band’s catalog gets. Paul Simon melodies and Harry Nilsson wails are hiding in these songs’ folds, but there’s also a whimsy here that can’t be faked. In just a few short years, the Seattle-based duo has recorded nine full-length albums worth of material—all of them wonderful, most of them totally unreleased. That’s why Tender Loving Empire will release one King Friday album every few months until every song is out in the world, in the hopes of shedding a little light on these otherwise unheard gems. iTunes: Spotify: Rdio: Amazon: Google: Facebook:

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