Sweet Music is an artist registered on Soundcloud since 9/4/2013 with the id 56859432 and the identifier name sweetmusicofc , Sweet Music cumulated a total of 157 k followers.
You can download 2861 tracks by Sweet Music from soundcloud to mp3.
Founded in 2014, the Sweet Music project was conceived with the aim of promoting electronic music in its entirety, but always with a melodic touch! Our DNA is to publish what we like, both emerging and already influential artists, and the same goes for the labels. In 2023 we passed the 50 million listener mark, and Sweet's little sister, Past and Future, our second channel open to all styles, passed the 20 million mark. With the same passion, we'll soon be celebrating 10 years of the project, and keeping our DNA. Don't hesitate to contact us if you want to benefit from our promotion network. -------------------------------------- Submit your Repost / Premiere / Free DL / Mixtape => [email protected] PR & Label => [email protected]