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Download SGR076 Michael Bibi & Ki... from soundcloud to mp3

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How to download SGR076 Michael Bibi & KinAhau Featuring Audiobullys - Different Side in mp3?

Are you looking to download SGR076 Michael Bibi & KinAhau Featuring Audiobullys - Different Side by Solid Grooves Records from Soundcloud to MP3? Look no further! With our free Soundcloud Downloader tool, you can easily convert this track into an MP3 file in just a few clicks.

About SGR076 Michael Bibi & KinAhau Featuring Audiobullys - Different Side

SGR076 Michael Bibi & KinAhau Featuring Audiobullys - Different Side is a Tech House song with a duration of 3 minutes and 13 seconds.

Originally released on 3/2/2023, this song produced by Solid Grooves Records has been played 343,941 times on soundcloud.

Popularity of Solid Grooves Records's track

SGR076 Michael Bibi & KinAhau Featuring Audiobullys - Different Side on soundcloud received 8,621 likes and being reposted 197 times. Additionally, the track has sparked engaging discussions, with 81 comments published by avid listeners.


Solid Grooves Records co-founder Michael Bibi partners alongside KinAhau for 'Different Side', featuring genre-spanning electronic duo Audio Bullys.
 Needing little introduction for both track and artists involved, Solid Grooves opens 2023 with one of the most highly anticipated ID requests from founder Michael Bibi's sets across the past 18 months. An instantly recognisable production which has soundtracked nights at The Grooves Motel at DC-10 through to ELOVATE events across the globe in London, New York, Buenos Aires and Tulum, early March finally sees the release of 'Different Sides' as Bibi partners with emerging Mexican DJ/producer and Solid Grooves artist Kinahau for the impactful 'Different Side' - featuring UK dance mainstays Audio Bullys. Harnessing iconic vocal from Audio Bullys' 2003 single 'We Don't Care', Bibi and Kinahau transport things into a new realm across 'Different Sides', employing skippy drums, icy hats and a menacing bassline - coupled with a few signature percussion fills - for a peak-time anthem loaded with energy.

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