How to download Love Tonight (Edit) in mp3?
Are you looking to download Love Tonight (Edit) by SHOUSE from Soundcloud
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About Love Tonight (Edit)
Love Tonight (Edit) is a House song with a duration of 3 minutes and 58 seconds.
Originally released on 11/16/2017, this song
produced by
has been played
23,307,188 times on soundcloud.
Popularity of SHOUSE's track
Love Tonight (Edit) on soundcloud received
likes and being reposted 6,185 times.
Additionally, the track has sparked engaging discussions, with
3,426 comments published by avid listeners.
The weirdo underground live-house duo that is SHOUSE often invite local singers and musicians to collaborate when bunkered down in their Collingwood studio. New release “Love Tonight” is an amalgamation of this working environment, whilst being a cheeky parody and adorable homage to the classic ’80’s celebrity extravaganza that was Bandaid “We Are The World”. Assembling a choir of all the people that they have loved and admired in their local scene (Oscar Key Sung, Monte Morgan (Client Liaison), Bec from The Harpoons, HABITS, Pillow Pro and so many more!), Ed and Jack have delivered the type of number that champions unity and a shared sense of eternal wonder for the future!
For remixes we have Mike Simonetti (Horse Meat Disco) delivering a dark acid heavy late night techno jam, DJ Seinfeld who eschews the hook altogether for a fun lo-fi belter, and Australian newcomers The Nights with a lusciously pulsating melodic mover. Theres also an exceptional Acapella mix with plenty of dance saxophone!
The warmth delivered on this song is arguably tangible! Showing a shared sense of compassion and a display of strength.
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