Download Serein from soundcloud to mp3

9 K

Presentation of Serein from soundcloud:

Serein is an artist registered on Soundcloud since 3/19/2008 with the id 1871 and the identifier name serein , Serein cumulated a total of 9 k followers.

You can download 278 tracks by Serein from soundcloud to mp3.

Author's description

Serein is a record label based in Wales, the UK. Since our beginnings as a net-label in 2005 we have featured artists from across the world on numerous recordings released digitally and on CD and vinyl. While focussing predominantly on crossover ambient styles, we try not to limit ourselves to any one genre. Listening to our music is the best way to get to know us! Our music is frequently used in TV and film productions, regularly receives international radio airplay and has been featured in several highly regarded printed publications and online magazines. We're extremely lucky to have a loyal and exacting fan base, many of whom have been following our output since day one. Our aim since then has remained the same, to call attention to music that we think is deserving of your time. We're excited by advancements in technology and how they can facilitate new ways to enjoy music and video. In 2005 we were distributing music digitally in MP3 format before it was seen as a financial opportunity by the music industry at large. We love the internet for the creative freedom it allows and the connections it's helped us make. The name Serein was taken from a meteorological dictionary, it is used to describe 'fine rain falling from a clear sky after sunset'. We pronounce it seh-rain, you can say it however you want. Please note : We do not monitor our SoundCloud messages. To get in touch please visit our official site,

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