How to download What They Want (Prod. Russ) in mp3?
Are you looking to download What They Want (Prod. Russ) by Russ from Soundcloud
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About What They Want (Prod. Russ)
What They Want (Prod. Russ) is a Rap song with a duration of 0 minutes and 30 seconds.
Originally released on 8/19/2015, this song
produced by
has been played
33,981,857 times on soundcloud.
Popularity of Russ's track
What They Want (Prod. Russ) on soundcloud received
likes and being reposted 47,008 times.
Additionally, the track has sparked engaging discussions, with
2,576 comments published by avid listeners.
i know what they want...
Got a chick i call her Lola
She feel like the ocean
Likes to drink and smoke some doja
And i feel like smokin
Plus she good at charmin cobras
I feel like im chosen
But she aint the only one no
Got a chick i call her Katia
She be actin bougie
The she came through and topped me off
Now she just a groupie
Got the aura of the mafia
Her friends wish they knew me
But they aint the only ones no
What they want what they want what they want
Dollar signs
Yea i know its what they want
What they want what they want what they want
Yall aint foolin me at all
I been at this shit for 9 years
Now they start to call
Im a DIY pioneer
They tryna get involved
Yippee Kiyay Ahh Yea
Bout to set it off
Im probably the only one yea
Come correct when you approach me
I can size you up
Takin all the shots like Kobe
Almost 81
Guess I gotta play the goalie
And go and save me somethin
Im proabably the only one yea
What they want what they want what they want
Dollar signs
Yea i know its what they want
What they want what they want what they want
Yall aint foolin me at all
Who wants my money I'll tell you who I dont fuck with
Whos pullin strings I'm just pointing out all the puppets
What I'm demanding is fucking up all the budgets
I'm smart as fuck they be talkin like I'm the dumbest but I know
What they want from me
Dollars lotta stock in me
It aint nothin personal
Its business and I'm a commodity
But honestly
Pop Pop would be turnin in his grave
The day I let someone else become the boss of me
When theres a boss in me
I'll be damned
What they want what they want what they want
Dollar signs
Yea i know its what they want
What they want what they want what they want
Yall aint foolin me at all