How to download We Just Havent Met Yet (Prod. Russ) in mp3?
Are you looking to download We Just Havent Met Yet (Prod. Russ) by Russ from Soundcloud
to MP3? Look no further! With our free Soundcloud Downloader tool, you can easily convert this
track into an MP3 file in just a few clicks.
About We Just Havent Met Yet (Prod. Russ)
We Just Havent Met Yet (Prod. Russ) is a russ song with a duration of 3 minutes and 57 seconds.
Originally released on 9/13/2016, this song
produced by
has been played
10,027,156 times on soundcloud.
Popularity of Russ's track
We Just Havent Met Yet (Prod. Russ) on soundcloud received
likes and being reposted 13,004 times.
Additionally, the track has sparked engaging discussions, with
818 comments published by avid listeners.
baby im amazed by you.....
baby im amazed by you
we just havent met yet
id get lost in a maze with you
we just havent met yet
youre probably out wylin with your friends right now
thats fine girl me too
i been at the booty club four times this week
damn i need you
wonder whats your vibe what you look
what you smell what you taste what you fuck like
i dont care about any wrongs in your past
i just care if you love right
i think i fell in love with you
we just havent met yet
i would drop my hoes for you
we just havent met yet
couple tickets in the holster
i would fly you out right now just let me know
who you are what you want when you want it
why you want it how you want this to go
baby im amazed by you
we just havent met yet
id get lost in a maze with you
we just havent met yet
my momma set the bar so high
i wont lie tho you comin real close
i like that you care about real life shit
not eyebrows and clothes
i like that you gotta lotta bodies
you a freak but thats all in the past
i like that you gotta good brain good morals
its not all in the ass
id get on one knee for you
we just havent met yet
were perfect for each other i swear
we just havent met yet
couple tickets in the holster
i would fly you out right now just let me know
who you are what you want when you want it
why you want it how you want this to go
baby im amazed by you
we just havent met yet
id get lost in a maze with you
we just havent met yet