How to download Used To You (Prod. Russ) in mp3?
Are you looking to download Used To You (Prod. Russ) by Russ from Soundcloud
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About Used To You (Prod. Russ)
Used To You (Prod. Russ) is a russ song with a duration of 3 minutes and 21 seconds.
Originally released on 1/22/2017, this song
produced by
has been played
6,698,580 times on soundcloud.
Popularity of Russ's track
Used To You (Prod. Russ) on soundcloud received
likes and being reposted 9,175 times.
Additionally, the track has sparked engaging discussions, with
670 comments published by avid listeners.
i could get used to you....
i could get used to you
this aint the liquor girl its all me
i could get used to you
you know i want you and you want me
girl realize
life feels better when you love somebody
know its been a while since i trust somebody
so tonight
come clean so that we can keep on pushin
i dont wanna have to go and keep on lookin
i could get used to you
this aint the liquor girl its all me
i could get used to you
you know i want you and you want me
Can't be wasting records on bitches that don't deserve it
But I'm bout to make a million off this
Guess it's worth it
You lied from the jump
Bout fucking rappers who get star struck
When they meet me
You give it up
To Anyone who's got a moniker
I'm not the only rapper that's a follower
Your older brother must hate you
Your parents hate the fake relationships and vacations where they take you
And fake date you
They're offended cuz they raised you
I be singing like Akon but bitch I'm not Akon I blame you
For the lies that you told to my face
I'm a joke this a game yea I get it what a shame
You're a hoe I got the texts to prove it
I hope for your sake I don't fucking lose it
i could get used to you
this aint the liquor girl its all me
i could get used to you
you know i want you and you want me
open up for me
open up for me
i could get used to you
this aint the liquor girl its all me
i could get used to you
you know i want you and you want me