How to download Sideline Number (Prod. Russ) in mp3?
Are you looking to download Sideline Number (Prod. Russ) by Russ from Soundcloud
to MP3? Look no further! With our free Soundcloud Downloader tool, you can easily convert this
track into an MP3 file in just a few clicks.
About Sideline Number (Prod. Russ)
Sideline Number (Prod. Russ) is a russ song with a duration of 3 minutes and 33 seconds.
Originally released on 1/2/2017, this song
produced by
has been played
4,034,766 times on soundcloud.
Popularity of Russ's track
Sideline Number (Prod. Russ) on soundcloud received
likes and being reposted 6,919 times.
Additionally, the track has sparked engaging discussions, with
417 comments published by avid listeners.
i cant get got, thats why im giving you my....
thats why im giving you my sideline, sideline number
thats why im giving you my sideline, sideline number
ever since i came up im a come up
see me fucking you could be a fuck up
one slip up could have my whole career ended
gotta think about what i send before i send it
so i keep it short
nothing outlandish
girl im talkin to is half arab half spanish
i dont give a fuck tho
bitches all cut throat
plus im the one so
i ask for you number then i text you from my sideline
no evidence no tracin back to me so im fine
i dont know you enough to trust you thats the truth i
i know youre hot, but i cant get got
thats why im giving you my sideline, sideline number
thats why im giving you my sideline, sideline number
im a target i cant start it you gotta initiate
keep it quiet ill deny it if you try and get me framed
only women that i fuck with are low key
only ones that know my home are my homies
anti screenshot man im too hot
i ask for you number then i text you from my sideline
no evidence no tracin back to me so im fine
i dont know you enough to trust you thats the truth i
i know youre hot, but i cant get got
thats why im giving you my sideline, sideline number
thats why im giving you my sideline, sideline number
thats why im giving you my sideline, sideline number
thats why im giving you my sideline, sideline number
no such thing as a private message
cuz theyll air it out like byron leftwich
gotta keep it real real real g rated
they got more crazy when you get more famous
damn you trippin
girl you a bad look
im takin more shots than your ass took
fake, stupid, where were you raised at?
how can i save that?
i ask for you number then i text you from my sideline
no evidence no tracin back to me so im fine
i dont know you enough to trust you thats the truth i
i know youre hot, but i cant get got
thats why im giving you my sideline, sideline number
thats why im giving you my sideline, sideline number