How to download Keep On Goin (Feat. Bas) (Prod. Russ) in mp3?
Are you looking to download Keep On Goin (Feat. Bas) (Prod. Russ) by Russ from Soundcloud
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About Keep On Goin (Feat. Bas) (Prod. Russ)
Keep On Goin (Feat. Bas) (Prod. Russ) is a russ song with a duration of 3 minutes and 27 seconds.
Originally released on 3/16/2017, this song
produced by
has been played
6,164,192 times on soundcloud.
Popularity of Russ's track
Keep On Goin (Feat. Bas) (Prod. Russ) on soundcloud received
likes and being reposted 11,525 times.
Additionally, the track has sparked engaging discussions, with
645 comments published by avid listeners.
i gotta keep on goin....
From the moment I wake up
I start packing all my stuff
Tell the homies
Tell the family
I gotta keep on goin
I don't know what day it is
I don't know what month it is
I can't love a girl
Because I'm way too much in love with this
Different states
Different countries
Crossing different continents
Self beliefs my diving board
I'm swimming in accomplishments
Haven't slept since 06
Main focus is stay focused
Santorini wine tasting plus Amalfi coasting
Took my mom with me
Cuz without her there'd be none of this
I think she'd agree she probably needs a brand new bucket list
Eating off my dreams Im my personal chef
7 women in one night that's just my personal best Sent 110 to the family
Sent 15 to my homie
So I don't feel bad about my chain or my Rollie
Don't approach with me assumptions
I promise that you know nothing
My family's legs got caught off while my bank account keeps on jumping
So I gotta keep on going
It's bigger than me
That's just the day one ambition in me
From the moment I wake up
I start packing all my stuff
Tell the homies
Tell the family
I gotta keep on goin
Yea a nigga settin all my bars high they can't follow mine
Try to trace me like a jaw line
Shine like a gold mine
So my bottom line grow 4 times in a week
I got a gold mind, and its go time I got no time for the weak
This week been showtime after showtime I'm still finding my peak
dunno what day it is now
dunno what month it is
I'm tryin to hold my girl down
I'm sure I love her more than this
Now Bassy why you always missin
Bassy baby on a mission
Speak on love cause hate is rampant
put that cancer on remission
Listen, Followed my passion it led me to purpose
Took me so long just to find out my worth
I went from knee deep to beneath the surface
Beneath the surface
Beneath that
Living above my lows
I'm Living above my lows
The shows sell out but the boy won't
And god got us, these hoes don't
I dropped the hottest shit in 16
They still sleep- bet
Just finna do that shit again
It's off wit everybody head
U ain't gotta give me mine nigga nah pay me every fuckin cent
Ima let the squad handle all the rest
And God gon handle whatever left there
From the moment I wake up
I start packing all my stuff
Tell the homies
Tell the family
I gotta keep on goin