Download RJ [OMMIO] from soundcloud to mp3

38 K

Presentation of RJ [OMMIO] from soundcloud:

RJ [OMMIO] is an artist from LOS ANGELES, CA, registered on Soundcloud since 10/16/2014 with the id 118524903 and the identifier name rjmrla-ommio , RJ [OMMIO] cumulated a total of 38 k followers.

You can download 80 tracks by RJ [OMMIO] from soundcloud to mp3.

Author's description

Today’s world of rap/hip-hop and popular music has become abundantly over saturated with plagiarism, personality and living facades, along with the average rapper having an overall displaced love for their craft. Los Angeles native Rajon “RJ” Durant sincerely illustrates his genuine adoration for music, while captivating his audience with original innovative cadences and articulated lyricism. RJ began his unexpected leap into writing and rapping after the sudden passing of a dear friend at the age of 18. Feeling as if no one would completely understand his intimate thoughts due to his rough background, RJ found refuge and comfort in his notebook, thoroughly providing him the platform needed to express himself. After having several run-ins with the law, RJ’s days of running the streets came to an unanticipated pause when police kicked down the doors of where he and his friend sold illegal narcotics placing his friend in custody. Faced with the dilemma of whether to stay in LA and remain in the same environment or change his scenery completely, RJ decided to uproot and move to Atlanta, Georgia where he finally started to find his own style and place in rap music. In the spring of 2012 RJ decided to move back home to Los Angeles to begin diligently pursuing his music career. There, good friend Lemmie recognized his talent and assisted in granting him the company of acclaimed producers such as; DJ Mustard, Trend (producer of E-40’s “Function”), D. Nice (producer of Tyga’s “Faded”), Skinnyman, T. Flamez & T. Wells (Atlanta, Georgia). Currently, RJ is working on promoting his new single “*itchez” w/ fellow rapper YG, as well as working with the aforementioned producers and continuing work with various upcoming and established artist. “I approach the game with a players mind and a lovers heart, making music for my family first, then friends and fans.”

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