How to download MABOUL BASMATI mode FRENCH VORTEX #77 invite MAG SPENCER - 27 Février 2025 in mp3?
Are you looking to download MABOUL BASMATI mode FRENCH VORTEX #77 invite MAG SPENCER - 27 Février 2025 by Rinse France from Soundcloud
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About MABOUL BASMATI mode FRENCH VORTEX #77 invite MAG SPENCER - 27 Février 2025
MABOUL BASMATI mode FRENCH VORTEX #77 invite MAG SPENCER - 27 Février 2025 is a Funk song with a duration of 119 minutes and 57 seconds.
Originally released on 2/27/2025, this song
produced by
Rinse France
has been played
0 times on soundcloud.
Popularity of Rinse France's track
MABOUL BASMATI mode FRENCH VORTEX #77 invite MAG SPENCER - 27 Février 2025 on soundcloud received
likes and being reposted 0 times.
Additionally, the track has sparked engaging discussions, with
0 comments published by avid listeners.
Ravi d'accueillir ce mois-ci Mag Spencer, membre de "L'Exécuteur de Hong Kong", adepte des prods françaises old school obscures & décalées ainsi que de la petite merguez de brocante, un des quatre DJ's du collectif "Discomatin" et en solo pour la production de son premier album à venir sur Ascetic Music, mais en attendant il nous a préparé 1 heure de french selecta pour notre plus grand plaisir.
Tracklist Maboul Basmati 13h00/14h00
1.Pierre Hegiel
3.Richard Cocciante (Instrumental version longue)
4.Lorient Jazz Big Band
5.Jean-Luc Salmon
6.Frederic Truche
7.Jean Vasca
8.Alec R. Costandinos (Versdion longue)
9.G.G. Junior (French vercvion longue)
10.Baby's Band (Leo Zero edit)
11.Basile de Suresnes
Tracklist Mag Spencer 14h00/15h00
1.Edits de Nantes
2.Manu Katché
3.Lionel Pontis
5.Bob Cary
6.Sasha Distel
7.Camille Soprann
8.Daniel Neuville
9.Christine Audhuy
10.Laurent Puic
11.Michel Kricorian
12.Nicolas Peyrac
13.Nicole Rieu
14.Zouk Ballade
15.Top Model
17.Martin Circus