How to download Slow, Calm, Soothing Instrumental - Easy Listening, Study, Relax Music - relaxdaily N°060 in mp3?
Are you looking to download Slow, Calm, Soothing Instrumental - Easy Listening, Study, Relax Music - relaxdaily N°060 by relaxdaily from Soundcloud
to MP3? Look no further! With our free Soundcloud Downloader tool, you can easily convert this
track into an MP3 file in just a few clicks.
About Slow, Calm, Soothing Instrumental - Easy Listening, Study, Relax Music - relaxdaily N°060
Slow, Calm, Soothing Instrumental - Easy Listening, Study, Relax Music - relaxdaily N°060 is a Instrumental song with a duration of 5 minutes and 38 seconds.
Originally released on 2/5/2013, this song
produced by
has been played
4,794,522 times on soundcloud.
Popularity of relaxdaily's track
Slow, Calm, Soothing Instrumental - Easy Listening, Study, Relax Music - relaxdaily N°060 on soundcloud received
likes and being reposted 3,112 times.
Additionally, the track has sparked engaging discussions, with
818 comments published by avid listeners.
Another calm, slow and soothing relaxdaily background music instrumental. This smooth and peaceful music arrangement with piano and electric guitar has the power to help you get into a relaxed mood, but also to activate the creative part of your brain. Simply close your eyes and start daydreaming, thinking, reflecting, or even creating. Or, watch the beautiful scenery of California's coastline in the Big Sur area during a November day:
...Relaxdaily's background music instrumentals; slow, peaceful, atmospheric music that can be used as a soundtrack for multiple activities. Depending on your interest you might use my music in your relaxation music playlist, as yoga music or as meditation music (I know, this is not the ordinary music for meditation, but it works for many people). You might also use it as music while you're studying, doing homework, working (mentally, creatively), reading, writing, while thinking or reflecting, dreaming, reviewing, making future plans. Some use it as „sleep music" (though there might be better sleep music out there...). Call it chillout, ambient, New Age, instrumental, or background music -- this is not as much about a genre as it is about a feeling. A way of life. With the relaxdaily project, I try to take a little heat from our (generally) too busy lives. I try to deliver a soundtrack for you, when you feel the need for some positive, calming, liberating tunes.
Hope you enjoy my music,
Michael (relaxdaily)
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