Download Red Cork from soundcloud to mp3

65 K

Presentation of Red Cork from soundcloud:

Red Cork is an artist from Strasbourg, registered on Soundcloud since 10/27/2016 with the id 264450436 and the identifier name redcork22 , Red Cork cumulated a total of 65 k followers.

You can download 63 tracks by Red Cork from soundcloud to mp3.

Author's description

📧 Info Booking : [email protected] Passionate since the age of 14, music is for him the means to express himself. Everything starts at a private party with friends, to liven up the evening, they are served by a computer with mixing software. Very curious, he tried and here is the click! Since then, he combines several musics to offer his personal touch. He works on his remixes or other Bootlegs / Mashups in order to progress and to be able to continue to assert himself under the name of "Red Cork".

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