PECKERHEAD is an artist from Copenhagen, registered on Soundcloud since 8/9/2010 with the id 1477298 and the identifier name peckerhead , PECKERHEAD cumulated a total of 5 k followers.
You can download 125 tracks by PECKERHEAD from soundcloud to mp3.
UPCOMING BOOKINGS: [DE] 31ST OF JANUARY 2025 [DK] KBHC 2025 - 7TH OF FEBRUARY 2025 [NL] CYNERGIZE - 15TH OF FEBRUARY 2025 [UK] 21ST OF FEBRUARY 2025 [NL] HELLBOUND - 8TH OF MARCH 2025 [DE] BACK TO CORE - NO MERCY 5TH OF APRIL 2025 [NL] THE MAINSTAGE - 19TH OF APRIL 2025 [NL] 29TH OF NOVEMBER 2025 PECKERHEAD’92 – Daniel Rønhave – born 1990. Mokum Records, Cenobite Records, Cyndium Records, SygNok, KØBENHARDCORE. Daniel Rønhave, better known as Peckerhead is working the turntables since his early days. With tireless energy and a good understanding of the genre’s standards, his productions are always worth listening to. Since the very beginning, Peckerhead travels through Europe where he is pushing the limits of electronic music. From the early ninety’s hardcore genre to his own powerful productions and to a more extreme concept ‘’fast and hard’’. With his unadulterated energy, he is your main man in the studio and on stage. Although Peckerhead left Copenhagen and Denmark for a period, he’s still busy with KØBENHARDCORE as the crown jewel of his remains in the Danish every day’s life. Since moving, he shared the stage with many artists who have great influence in the hardcore culture of The Netherlands and the world. For a long period, he resided in the birthplace of Gabber music, Rotterdam. With this experience, Daniel has further solidified his reputation as a rock-solid purveyor of top-notch releases on Mokum, Cenobite Records & Cyndium Records. Thanks to his positive presence, he has also become a favourite among audiences both in and outside of the Netherlands. - PECKERHEAD NOT A NORMAL DAY SINCE 1992