Ori Uplift Music is an artist from Washington, DC, registered on Soundcloud since 2/23/2012 with the id 12563093 and the identifier name oriuplift , Ori Uplift Music cumulated a total of 15 k followers.
You can download 1135 tracks by Ori Uplift Music from soundcloud to mp3.
Ori Uplift is CEO of Abora Music LLC. Abora is proud to present Ori Uplift's weekly 2-hour radio podcast: Uplifting Only, featuring the best & newest in orchestral uplifting and uplifting trance, including world premieres from Abora & other labels. The 1st episode of each month contains uplifting vocal trance. Except guest mixes, other episodes contain only non-lyrical uplifting. The two-hour show airs Thursday every week on DI.fm's Epic Trance channel at 1200 EST/EDT, which usually corresponds to 1800 CET / 2130 IST. It is posted to Soundcloud, Mixcloud, & iTunes as a podcast soon thereafter. All tracklists (including hyperlinked timestamps) and links may be found at http://uponly.net/episodes.