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Download Elizeth Cardoso - A Flor... from soundcloud to mp3

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How to download Elizeth Cardoso - A Flor E Espinho (Corazón Edit) in mp3?

Are you looking to download Elizeth Cardoso - A Flor E Espinho (Corazón Edit) by Ohxala Records from Soundcloud to MP3? Look no further! With our free Soundcloud Downloader tool, you can easily convert this track into an MP3 file in just a few clicks.

About Elizeth Cardoso - A Flor E Espinho (Corazón Edit)

Elizeth Cardoso - A Flor E Espinho (Corazón Edit) is a downtempo song with a duration of 5 minutes and 5 seconds.

Originally released on 9/13/2018, this song produced by Ohxala Records has been played 25,353 times on soundcloud.

Popularity of Ohxala Records's track

Elizeth Cardoso - A Flor E Espinho (Corazón Edit) on soundcloud received 845 likes and being reposted 202 times. Additionally, the track has sparked engaging discussions, with 519 comments published by avid listeners.


"As soon as I heard " A Flor E O Espinho" (Nelson Cavaquinho/Guilherme de Brito/Alcides Caminha), sang by Elizeth Cardoso, for the first time, I knew it could be turned into a powerful downtempo edit for dance floors! Elizetth's voice is unique and the lyrics are very touching. So I've been working on this track in my Live Editing performances since last year. Exploring some differents arrangements and getting feedbacks from the auddience I finnaly reach this kind of sound. " @pablitocorazon <a href=''>Download for free on The Artist Union</a>

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