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Download Say My Name (feat. Zyra) from soundcloud to mp3

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64 K

How to download Say My Name (feat. Zyra) in mp3?

Are you looking to download Say My Name (feat. Zyra) by ODESZA from Soundcloud to MP3? Look no further! With our free Soundcloud Downloader tool, you can easily convert this track into an MP3 file in just a few clicks.

About Say My Name (feat. Zyra)

Say My Name (feat. Zyra) is a Electronic song with a duration of 4 minutes and 22 seconds.

Originally released on 8/18/2014, this song produced by ODESZA has been played 26,735,921 times on soundcloud.

Popularity of ODESZA's track

Say My Name (feat. Zyra) on soundcloud received 409,250 likes and being reposted 63,841 times. Additionally, the track has sparked engaging discussions, with 2,498 comments published by avid listeners.


'In Return (10 Year Anniversary Edition)', out now on Ninja Tune: https://odesza.lnk.to/in-return-10So Follow ODESZA - Spotify: https://found.ee/odesza-sp Apple Music: https://found.ee/odesza-am Amazon Music: https://found.ee/odesza-aa YouTube: https://found.ee/odesza-yt Bandcamp: https://found.ee/odesza-bc Soundcloud: https://found.ee/odesza-sc Instagram: https://found.ee/odesza-ig TikTok: https://found.ee/odesza-tt Facebook: https://found.ee/odesza-fb X (Twitter): https://found.ee/odesza-tw #ODESZA #NinjaTune View the lyric video for this song here! http://odesza.co/saymynamelyric Lyrics: I wanna go So what’d you say When you gonna let me know If you give a damn about me ‘Cause you got my hands tied In my defense I always fall for confidence And your compliments look good on me Cause nobody knows it better than the girl in the corner with the scarlet letter And while you’re watching you may think that she doesn’t matter But no one knows you better I wanna dance I wanna dance I wanna dance with you So take a chance take a chance Oh yeah I need a sign or a signal I’ve overthought everything I can think of Into symbol I need the coat and your jacket And the remnants of your cigarette packet I wanna go So what’d you say When you gonna let me know If you give a damn about me ‘Cause you got my hands tied In my defense I always fall for confidence And your compliments look good on me Cause nobody knows it better than the girl in the corner with the scarlet letter and while you’re watching you think that she doesn’t matter but no one knows you better I wanna dance I wanna dance I wanna dance with you So take a chance take a chance Oh yeah

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