Octo Records is an artist from Downtempo, registered on Soundcloud since 1/28/2020 with the id 773013682 and the identifier name octorecords , Octo Records cumulated a total of 6 k followers.
You can download 133 tracks by Octo Records from soundcloud to mp3.
♥ We take it Slow º We make it Epic ♥ º Record Label º Artist Collective º Curated by @isaque-solaris Original Artwork @brownsword Mastering @nyvs Resident Artists: ►Andara @dj_andara ►Andre Mayborn @andremayborn ►Anna Aloka @anna_aloka ►Asafar @andreportas ►AZ EM @azzume ►Birdzzie @birdzzie ► Coordese @coordese ► Don Juan Mezcal @dj_mezcal ► Eve Lyn @eve1-lyn ► Funkenschleuder @funkenschleuder ►Gabai @gabay ►Gamma dee Meo @gamma-dee-meo ►ITWO5 @itwo5 ►KayGee @kaygee_laselva ►Marlon Looney @marlonlooney ► Nada @nadaninadienunca ►NYVS @nyvs ►Sandhya @sandiamapachito ►Sukhmanee @sukhmanee ►Tati @sara-raquel-ferreira ►Tempura @purpletempura ►Tribi Tarab. @tribitarab ► Vinzoo @vinzoomuzik Octo Records, since 2020.