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Download Nour Khan - Ghorabaa | ن... from soundcloud to mp3

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32 K
Nour Khan

How to download Nour Khan - Ghorabaa | نورخان - غرباء in mp3?

Are you looking to download Nour Khan - Ghorabaa | نورخان - غرباء by Nour Khan from Soundcloud to MP3? Look no further! With our free Soundcloud Downloader tool, you can easily convert this track into an MP3 file in just a few clicks.

About Nour Khan - Ghorabaa | نورخان - غرباء

Nour Khan - Ghorabaa | نورخان - غرباء is a Indie song with a duration of 4 minutes and 37 seconds.

Originally released on 9/16/2013, this song produced by Nour Khan has been played 5,769,077 times on soundcloud.

Popularity of Nour Khan's track

Nour Khan - Ghorabaa | نورخان - غرباء on soundcloud received 125,754 likes and being reposted 31,691 times. Additionally, the track has sparked engaging discussions, with 3,484 comments published by avid listeners.


For English translation please scroll down. غناء و ألحان: نورخان موسيقي: عبد الله محمد "الكلمات: سميح القاسم - من قصيدة "غرباء هندسة صوتية: أحمد إيهاب **************************************************************************************** و بكينا.. يوم غنّى الآخرون و لجأنا للسماء يوم أزرى بالسماء الآخرون و لجأنا للسماء و لأنّا ضعفاء و لأنّا غرباء نحن نبكي و نصلي يوم يلهو و يغنّي الآخرون و حملنا.. جرحنا الدامي حملنا و إلى أفق وراء الغيب يدعونا.. رحلنا شرذماتٍ.. من يتامى و طوينا في ضياعٍ قاتم..عاماً فعاما و بقينا غرباء **************************************************************************************** **Feel free to share, but do not use this track in any video or upload it anywhere without my permission first. Performed/Composed by: Nour Khan Lyrics: from the poem "Ghorabaa" by Samih al-Qasim Music: Abdalla Mohamed Mixing and Mastering: Ahmed Ehab **************************************************************************************** Lyrics Translation: We cried, the day the others sang And we turned to the sky The day the others despised it Because we are weak Because we are strangers We weep and pray The day others sing and play And we carried our bleeding wound And to a skyline behind the unseen we flit..we were invited Little pieces of orphans We've been folded inside a dark waste..year after year And we remained strangers..

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