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Download Noir & Haze - Around [Su... from soundcloud to mp3

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How to download Noir & Haze - Around [Subb-an Remix] - Noir Music (128kbit) in mp3?

Are you looking to download Noir & Haze - Around [Subb-an Remix] - Noir Music (128kbit) by Noir from Soundcloud to MP3? Look no further! With our free Soundcloud Downloader tool, you can easily convert this track into an MP3 file in just a few clicks.

About Noir & Haze - Around [Subb-an Remix] - Noir Music (128kbit)

Noir & Haze - Around [Subb-an Remix] - Noir Music (128kbit) is a Tech House song with a duration of 7 minutes and 21 seconds.

Originally released on 10/24/2011, this song produced by Noir has been played 303,010 times on soundcloud.

Popularity of Noir's track

Noir & Haze - Around [Subb-an Remix] - Noir Music (128kbit) on soundcloud received 7,379 likes and being reposted 795 times. Additionally, the track has sparked engaging discussions, with 139 comments published by avid listeners.


This brilliant remix was originally done as a secret weapon for Subb-an, Noir and a few close dj-friends to play out and surprise the crowds around the globe. After handing out private copies to a few selected djs we ended up with enormous support on this remix from: Seth Troxler, Jamie Jones, Radioslave, Art Department, Pete Tong, Dubfire, Matthew Dear, Tiefschwarz, Butch, Gorge, Jimpster, Sasha,Reboot, Deetron, Tim Green, 2000 And One, Catz n' Dogz, Matt Tolfrey, Ryan Crosson and Nic Fanciulli. At DC10's closing party at Ibiza the Subb-an Remix was played no less than 3 times and the crowd was ecstatic each time. And after the YouTube video of Seth Troxler & Jamie Jones playing the track that specific night surfaced we have now ended up with a huge buzz and demand for this track to be released. So here you go..... The Subb-an Remix of “Around”. The video from DC10: Available Now:

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