Download Victor Manuel from soundcloud to mp3


Presentation of Victor Manuel from soundcloud:

Victor Manuel is an artist from Los Angeles, registered on Soundcloud since 9/25/2020 with the id 885691684 and the identifier name musicvicman , Victor Manuel cumulated a total of 418 followers.

You can download 607 tracks by Victor Manuel from soundcloud to mp3.

Author's description

1987 Holguin, Cuba. From a young age he showed aptitude for music, beginning his studies of classical piano, harmony and music theory, although it is worth noting that he has a great empirical training in terms of sonority due to his constant experimenting with harmonizations in atonal passages, rather linked to feelings and emotions. He has participated in several bands and projects of different formats and genres. Living in the USA since 2018 where he decides to start his career as a solo pianist and at the same time carry out his parallel project called: Harakiri Klub, the latter focused on electronic sounds. Victor Manuel's music contains dissimilar influences from the so-called World Music and Jazz, creating an eclectic phenomenon that makes each album a unique concept. The constant investigation of musical instruments and prayers of different ethnic groups, linked to their particular way of feeling music as a triptych Spirituality-Language-Emotion makes the music of Victor Manuel an artistic phenomenon to take into account. Each album is a universe within its own musical universe and addresses different themes such as Faith and Spirituality. In the case of the Album "Iya" -mother in African language- it is a mixture of genres and is conceived as a tribute to "La Virgen de la Caridad del Cobre" (Oshun in the Yoruba Pantheon), patron saint of every Cuban. "Iya" is a plea to that mother who never abandons us and assists us in every moment of our lives.

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