Download mobilee from soundcloud to mp3

136 K
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Presentation of mobilee from soundcloud:

mobilee is an artist from Berlin, registered on Soundcloud since 3/4/2009 with the id 80522 and the identifier name mobileerecords , mobilee cumulated a total of 136 k followers.

You can download 1024 tracks by mobilee from soundcloud to mp3.

Author's description

Hello mobilee friends! Please submit your demos to Please make sure its not more than 5 tracks in total and consider wisely which selection presents your own sound signature and production level the best. Please include a few words about yourself including your social media links and full name and contact details. We are looking for new music that fits to the general label sound but not for music that sounds like music from already established artists on the label. Think outside the box and try to find new and own directions to increase the chance to get recognition. mobilee records launched in 2005 and quickly established itself as one of the brightest new stars within Berlin’s glittering galaxy of electronic music labels, producers and DJs. Founded and owned by Anja Schneider and Ralf Kollmann, the label boasts a sound that is simultaneously familiar and innovative. Rooted in the classic structures of house and techno, mobilee has harnessed the triple threat approach: its records reference vintage dancefloor minimalism, engage with like-minded contemporaries, and suggest surprising new directions for familiar forms. mobilee celebrated its tenth year in 2015. The anniversary not only highlighted ten successful years of the label, but served as a testament to the vision, passion, and love of music that continues to drive the extended mobilee team in all that they do, and all that will come. With a focus on label showcases, such as the annual drawcard event at Barcelona’s Hotel Silken Diagonal during Sonar, mobilee is committed to developing its roster—the core of whom are booked and managed by the label itself. The famed Sonar rooftop parties that have featured all-star casts of mobilee artists and friends are just one example of the unique, forward-thinking philosophy of mobilee, and its attendant expansion as a music and entertainment enterprise.

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