How to download Popcaan - Where We Come From (Produced by Anju Blaxx) in mp3?
Are you looking to download Popcaan - Where We Come From (Produced by Anju Blaxx) by Mixpak from Soundcloud
to MP3? Look no further! With our free Soundcloud Downloader tool, you can easily convert this
track into an MP3 file in just a few clicks.
About Popcaan - Where We Come From (Produced by Anju Blaxx)
Popcaan - Where We Come From (Produced by Anju Blaxx) is a Dancehall song with a duration of 4 minutes and 2 seconds.
Originally released on 6/10/2014, this song
produced by
has been played
3,543,804 times on soundcloud.
Popularity of Mixpak's track
Popcaan - Where We Come From (Produced by Anju Blaxx) on soundcloud received
likes and being reposted 3,199 times.
Additionally, the track has sparked engaging discussions, with
494 comments published by avid listeners.
Where We Come From is the debut album from Jamaican superstar Popcaan. Executive produced by Dre Skull and featuring productions from Dre Skull, Dubbel Dutch, Jamie Roberts, Anju Blaxx and Adde Instrumentals, Popcaan's first full length offering sees his signature melodies and uplifting tones on thirteen original tracks. As musicologist Wayne Marshall writes,
“Where We Come From” gives voice, as the best reggae does, to the contradictions of life in a society rife with inequities and yet so rich. Whether odes to the ghetto or the good life, Popcaan's lyrics bring realist portraits and utopian visions into dynamic tension. Songs about struggle and sex and happiness occupy the same space because they do. And whatever the topic, Popcaan's infectious positivity comes through.”
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