Download KATERMUKKE from soundcloud to mp3

163 K
1 K

Presentation of KATERMUKKE from soundcloud:

KATERMUKKE is an artist from Berlin, registered on Soundcloud since 11/14/2011 with the id 8928131 and the identifier name katermukke , KATERMUKKE cumulated a total of 163 k followers.

You can download 1068 tracks by KATERMUKKE from soundcloud to mp3.

Author's description

Katermukke isn’t just a label; it’s an evolving sonic odyssey. Each release adds to its dynamic narrative, showcasing a relentless quest for musical innovation. The label seamlessly blends diverse electronic genres—from the hypnotic depths of melodic house and the driving pulse of techno to the dreamy realms of electronica and the infectious beats of indie dance. Founded in 2011 by the visionary Dirty Doering and Sascha Cawa, Katermukke emerged from Berlin’s vibrant electronic scene as a sanctuary where music breaks boundaries and invites endless exploration.

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