Kid Rager is an artist registered on Soundcloud since 11/12/2022 with the id 1185881722 and the identifier name johnathan-rager-791617089 , Kid Rager cumulated a total of 0 followers.
You can download 3 tracks by Kid Rager from soundcloud to mp3.
The masked Kid rager is the very image of ‘Sci-fi in hip hop’. With the spaced out vocals added with the witty dialogue makes for narrative tracks with concepts that range from daily struggles with a focus in his memoirs of outer space adventures seen in tracks such as “ATOLA: The Last Planet” and “summer at kuiper’s”. Kid Rager (AKA Johnathan Rager) is based in both Kenya and Canada and bears an African background and attaches the western and eastern perspective into a mesh that echos through his music. Kid Rager sees Kid Cudi as an idol and a role model to his music and has always seen his music as a sub-genre that would be a mantle to be continued through musical exploration.