Download Hiderway from soundcloud to mp3

10 K

Presentation of Hiderway from soundcloud:

Hiderway is an artist from Ho Chi Minh City, registered on Soundcloud since 3/17/2018 with the id 417594117 and the identifier name hiderway , Hiderway cumulated a total of 10 k followers.

You can download 31 tracks by Hiderway from soundcloud to mp3.

Author's description

A versatile artist from the Westside of Vietnam, Hiderway’s ability is multiple which he can write, produce, design and make music videos. Unlike most artists, those who were born in a family with a strong background in art. He starts off just only by self-learning. After many years of studying and working, he finally can step into the zone that he always dream of. Hiderway's career began by covering a song with his guitar and posting it on youtube, then he start to learn to produce a song. In 2018 his first single "Du Anh Co Biet" had been released which earned a half-million stream from ZingMp3 (a local music streaming service). A milestone in his career occurred when he had a featuring on Chill Nation with a remix of "Nightmare by Halsey". It showed him that his music is getting better now. At the end of 2019, he had been nominated for the top 10 electronic pop songs at Zing Music Award which honour in the same list as the top mainstream artist in Vietnam. In the next few years several acclaimed covers, original releases, a successful collaboration which are having millions of views and streaming, eventually take his career to new levels. Hiderway spent 2020 looking deeply within himself to determine whom he wants to be as an artist and what kind of impact he wants to have on the world. He started to make more and more music from multiple genres while he still kept taking music courses to improve his knowledge as a producer #hiderway #music #remix #edm #house #future

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