How to download [HR017] Jacoo - The Last String (feat. Oneira) in mp3?
Are you looking to download [HR017] Jacoo - The Last String (feat. Oneira) by Heroic Music Group from Soundcloud
to MP3? Look no further! With our free Soundcloud Downloader tool, you can easily convert this
track into an MP3 file in just a few clicks.
About [HR017] Jacoo - The Last String (feat. Oneira)
[HR017] Jacoo - The Last String (feat. Oneira) is a Liquid song with a duration of 3 minutes and 52 seconds.
Originally released on 5/19/2014, this song
produced by
Heroic Music Group
has been played
25,911 times on soundcloud.
Popularity of Heroic Music Group's track
[HR017] Jacoo - The Last String (feat. Oneira) on soundcloud received
likes and being reposted 33 times.
Additionally, the track has sparked engaging discussions, with
4 comments published by avid listeners.
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For our seventeenth release we present to you the new EP by Jacoo. This long time Heroic family member has been building a steady name for himself in the liquid and chill step scene, with his Soundcloud profile thriving and ever touching classically influenced tracks. With the Hurt EP, he has truly outdone himself.
Hurt EP
Jacoo sets out to take you on an adventure with the Hurt EP…. telling you a tale of travels, loss, friendship, love, and all things that make life worth living. Liquid drum and bass in it’s purest form, with strong classical influences and Jacoo’s trademark piano and drums.
Starting off with the grandiose ‘Reincarnation’, the EP progresses to the mesmerizing ‘Life Without You’ and dives into the exceptional title track ‘Hurt’. ‘The Last String’ truly touches the soul with the melancholic vocals by Oneira and Peace of Mind tactfully completes the circle. The Hurt EP is a testimony to life - in all it’s facets.
1) Jacoo - Reincarnation
2) Jacoo - Life Without You
3) Jacoo - Hurt
4) Jacoo - The Last String (feat. Oneira)
5) Jacoo - Peace of Mind (feat. Laura Hahn)
All stores - May 19th
Heroic Recordings
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