Heart Echoes is an artist from Kennesaw, GA, registered on Soundcloud since 6/18/2024 with the id 1405380378 and the identifier name heartechoes , Heart Echoes cumulated a total of 94 followers.
You can download 179 tracks by Heart Echoes from soundcloud to mp3.
🎶 @heartechoes 🎶 Welcome to the musical world of @heartechoes, where every lyric tells a story and every melody captures heartfelt emotions. Though I am not a musician, the lyrics in these songs are entirely my own, reflecting my innermost thoughts and feelings, brought to life through the incredible power of AI. I never thought I could hear my lyrics sung without a large investment that I could not afford. The songs released in June 2024 come from my journaling during the first half of the year after my separation from my wife of 15 years. During this dark period, my emotional and mental state took a downward spiral, and writing down my thoughts was my lifeline. I'm grateful for all that has come out of this challenging time. My lyrics have transformed into musical creations thanks to AI, allowing me to share my inner world with you. From soulful ballads to uplifting anthems, my music explores love, loss, and everything in between, resonating deeply with personal experiences and the world around me. Join me on this unique musical journey, and let the echoes of my heart become the soundtrack to your life. 🎸❤️🌟 #MusicWithHeart #Lyricist #HeartfeltTunes #EchoesOfLife