How to download Peacer 1: Silhouette in mp3?
Are you looking to download Peacer 1: Silhouette by GraphicAudio from Soundcloud
to MP3? Look no further! With our free Soundcloud Downloader tool, you can easily convert this
track into an MP3 file in just a few clicks.
About Peacer 1: Silhouette
Peacer 1: Silhouette is a graphicaudio song with a duration of 14 minutes and 7 seconds.
Originally released on 11/27/2013, this song
produced by
has been played
645 times on soundcloud.
Popularity of GraphicAudio's track
Peacer 1: Silhouette on soundcloud received
likes and being reposted 0 times.
Additionally, the track has sparked engaging discussions, with
0 comments published by avid listeners.
A post-quake San Francisco is ruled by a private corporation called the Bay Area Security Service. Its founder, Saul Rabin, is revered by many as the savior of the city, but by others he is feared and loathed as a fascist tyrant. And because of the cutting-edge antigravity technology being developed by his company, this controversial figure is about to become the most powerful man in the world.
To his protégé, Michael Ares, the old man is a mysterious benefactor whom he respects and admires. But when Michael's daughter and best friend are brutally murdered, he follows a trail of evidence that leads dangerously close to home. Closer than he could ever imagine.
A future world of aerocars, net glasses, and neural cyberware provides the backdrop for this timeless tale of good and evil, revenge and love, infamy and destiny. Fans of Blade Runner and Ghost in the Shell will love this series filled with thought-provoking images of dark shapes which, despite their pain and power, could never blot out the light that surrounds them.