How to download $UICIDEBOY$ x GERM - KING COBRA (DRIPPIN') in mp3?
Are you looking to download $UICIDEBOY$ x GERM - KING COBRA (DRIPPIN') by Germ from Soundcloud
to MP3? Look no further! With our free Soundcloud Downloader tool, you can easily convert this
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$UICIDEBOY$ x GERM - KING COBRA (DRIPPIN') is a shadow rap song with a duration of 2 minutes and 0 seconds.
Originally released on 2/4/2017, this song
produced by
has been played
9,673,236 times on soundcloud.
Popularity of Germ's track
$UICIDEBOY$ x GERM - KING COBRA (DRIPPIN') on soundcloud received
likes and being reposted 10,465 times.
Additionally, the track has sparked engaging discussions, with
1,008 comments published by avid listeners.
i'm the type of person to burn alive while on a sinkin' ship
flickin' ash out of my lash
i know what yall been thinkin' bitch
fuck 'em all
i'm drench in gasoline and lit
then $lick will tell yall fuck boys grab a broom and gon and sweep the shit
i don't give a fuck about the internet
motherfuck the illusion
yall confused
don't get my image yet
666 for life
grey my fuckin' army stripes
yall keep flossin'
yall keep ballin'
all yall caught up in a net
call your patrol man
i've been programmed to fear no man
you see these tats all on my face?
i don't have no care
i walk around in any city like my home there
you want war, motherfucker, but yet to declare
hop on a chariot
ridin' through heaven
i'm aiming a .45 at your god
$carecrow the scariest
cut throat the deadliest
frozen $hogun at my side
every night rise and die
grey five nine the parasites
who am i? anti-christ
the one who makes hades flames ignite
catchin' top in the whip
ridin' cruisin' wylin'
just take a look at me
i'm booted and ashy
talkin' down bout a stupid bitch
lookin' for a stupid lick
you really new to this
been on my bullshit gucci linen draped on my women
sinnin' with women out here pushin' limits
worry bout me you stupid nigga
stack digits
up my heat in public
air 'em out if they get ignorant
left 'em heaven sent
his partner called on christ, but he irrelevant
lurkin' the pit
die bout my shit
just look at the wrist, ain't no slits but it drip
ronda roussey in the audi with me
knock a nigga out for me
love that bitch