GARAGE CLASSICS is an artist registered on Soundcloud since 11/28/2013 with the id 68304989 and the identifier name garage-classics , GARAGE CLASSICS cumulated a total of 16 k followers.
You can download 2 tracks by GARAGE CLASSICS from soundcloud to mp3.
Garage Classics has been set up to let you acquire those 'hard to find' classic garage tracks. We will be uploading Classic Garage tracks on a weekly basis, giving away free downloads and mixes each week. Feel free to contact us if you are after a GARAGE track and cant find it anywhere, we will do our best to track it down and upload for you. All tracks are ripped from the original vinyl's so you may hear some cracks and pops in some really old tracks, but all have been re-mastered, and we have tried to get them to the best standard possible. Tracks that were released on labels that are still in function wont be downloadable, and if you are an artist, and we have uploaded your track please contact us should you want it removed and we will do so immediately. This page is here so we can enjoy (and not forget) some old GARAGE CLASSICS! We do not intend to cause offence or loss of earnings for artists. We will not be using a 'follow to download' gate, no catch, no gimmick, just classic garage sounds. If you do like what we post, please show appreciation by following, but you will not be forced into it! We want this page to be as organic as possible. Thanks for visiting