How to download Four Four Premiere: Unknown Artist - Cry Me A River [Artfully Dodged Mix] in mp3?
Are you looking to download Four Four Premiere: Unknown Artist - Cry Me A River [Artfully Dodged Mix] by Four Four Magazine from Soundcloud
to MP3? Look no further! With our free Soundcloud Downloader tool, you can easily convert this
track into an MP3 file in just a few clicks.
About Four Four Premiere: Unknown Artist - Cry Me A River [Artfully Dodged Mix]
Four Four Premiere: Unknown Artist - Cry Me A River [Artfully Dodged Mix] is a Garage song with a duration of 5 minutes and 15 seconds.
Originally released on 5/3/2021, this song
produced by
Four Four Magazine
has been played
79,934 times on soundcloud.
Popularity of Four Four Magazine's track
Four Four Premiere: Unknown Artist - Cry Me A River [Artfully Dodged Mix] on soundcloud received
likes and being reposted 95 times.
Additionally, the track has sparked engaging discussions, with
15 comments published by avid listeners.
The garage edits you always wanted, but didn't know existed yet, have just landed on your feet, courtesy of a mysterious Irish artist and the Cheeky Music Group’s sub-label, Fruity Edits. Today we premiere a track from this 'Artfully Dodged Edits' EP.
Found on an old hard drive amongst other dutty delights, the artist in question has released on Hypercolour Records and Dixon Avenue Basement Jams - gaining repute for their hair-raising riddims - but here the Unknown Artist throws it back to the early 00's with three cuts of nostalgic, fun UKG.
The track we premiere today is the artist's rendition of JT’s ‘Cry Me A River’ which is a clever blend of skippy drums and instantly recognisable nostalgia, using only astutely selected sounds and a double-dose of personality to create something simultaneously true to its origin but undeniably its own.
Also on the EP are tracks ‘Africa’ which kicks things off with a flurry of syncopated beats and peachy bass and ‘Forgot About Dre’ which is a certified classic alongside a slinky UK garage backdrop to hit the sweet-spot between old and new.
We’re not sure who the mystery artist is, but it’s definitely not Carlton Doom… You can support the release and purchase the 3 track EP on vinyl and digital via the BUY link.
Cheeky Music Group
SC: @cheekymusicgroup
Four Four Magazine