Erased Tapes is an artist from London, registered on Soundcloud since 7/28/2009 with the id 188998 and the identifier name erasedtapes , Erased Tapes cumulated a total of 104 k followers.
You can download 290 tracks by Erased Tapes from soundcloud to mp3.
Founded by sonic architect and explorer Robert Raths aka ghostworker in 2007, Erased Tapes is a truly independent record label that has disrupted the industry and rejuvenated the musical landscape. The London-based label has consistently nurtured genre-defying artists from all around the world without losing its avant-garde ethos. 2015 saw BBC 6 Music radio presenter Mary Anne Hobbs stage an Erased Tapes evening featuring Nils Frahm and A Winged Victory For The Sullen at the Royal Albert Hall as part of the prestigious BBC Prom. It was the fastest selling ticket of the entire season. Shortly after Erased Tapes was awarded Best Small Label 2015 at the AIM Awards. On February 5th 2017 Erased Tapes opened the doors to its new East London home, marking the 10th anniversary by introducing fans and the public to the new Erased Tapes Sound Gallery. “Ten years of one of the most important record labels of the last few years“ — Gilles Peterson "Over the last decade, Robert Raths’ label Erased Tapes has developed a sonic profile perfectly in step with the growing taste for quiet, meditative works on the cusp of ambient and chamber music" — The Independent “The heart-string-tugging London label that floats gently between 20th century composition and ambient music” — Rolling Stone