Download El Desperado from soundcloud to mp3

24 K

Presentation of El Desperado from soundcloud:

El Desperado is an artist registered on Soundcloud since 1/10/2015 with the id 132292800 and the identifier name eldesperadoofficiel , El Desperado cumulated a total of 24 k followers.

You can download 41 tracks by El Desperado from soundcloud to mp3.

Author's description

Hard/Reverse Open for booking: [email protected] 🇫🇷: El Desperado, producteur et DJ possède son style bien à lui, des kicks rebondissants et percutants allant du reverse bass à tout type de hard music, donnant à ses tracks un aspect bien groovy tout en gardant un esprit décalé. Le producteur au borsalino rapporte toujours sa touche de folie pour donner vie à des morceaux entrainants et explosifs. 🇬🇧: El Desperado is a producer and DJ. His style is really his own : Bouncy and punchy kicks and reverse bass grooves, giving his tracks an off the wall vibe. The man with the borsalino hat always puts a hint of craziness in his music, bringing tracks to life, from Reverse Bass to Hardmusic. Duo avec @krozt : Mon autre projet: Anjü 333

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